
The Center for International Economic Relations at the Institute of National Planning holds a symposium entitled: The performance of global financial markets in light of the current economic crises

The Center for International Economic Relations at the Institute of National Planning held a symposium entitled "The Performance of Global Financial Markets in Light of the Current Economic Crises" as part of community service activities. The seminar was moderated by Prof. Naglaa Harb, Director of...

Policy Paper Series “Public Debt Governance Frameworks in Egypt: Current Challenges and Reform Measures”

This policy paper assesses public debt governance frameworks in Egypt and the possibility of benefiting from the international sound practices and successful countries’ experiences to improve public debt governance in Egypt. Among the main policy recommendations in this paper are: Developing a consolidated legal framework for public...

The performance of global financial markets in light of the current economic crises

The Center for International Economic Relations is honored to present a cultural symposium entitled "The Performance of Global Financial Markets in Light of the Current Economic Crises" on Monday, December 19, 2022, at 11:00 am. Join Zoom Meeting; pwd=MUFKVUtMcFRDQlY4WlVqdzBSZ2tmdz09 Meeting ID: 765 377 7118 Passcode: 123 Category: Seminars and...

The Institute of National Planning holds the third scientific follow-up seminar on the “Global Financial Stability Report” entitled “Overcoming the Inflation Environment”

The Institute of National Planning holds the third scientific follow-up seminar on the “Global Financial Stability Report” entitled “Overcoming the Inflation Environment” The Institute of National Planning held three scientific follow-up activity workshops, in which Dr. Shereen Bushra Ghaly, Lecturer at the Center for Macroeconomic Policy,...

GRI standards accredited training program

The Institute of National Planning concluded the GRI-accredited training program on sustainability reports, which lasted on December 6 and 7, 2022 for 30 trainees representing 19 entities from various sectors in the country, within the framework of the memorandum of understanding that was signed last...

The Institute of National Planning holds a new episode of expert meeting entitled “The Policy of Restricting Imports… What it has and what it has to do”

Within the framework of the National Planning Institute's interest in specialized topics and discussing important economic issues with a group of experts and specialists, the Institute held a new episode within the activity of meeting experts, entitled "The Policy of Restricting Imports. What it has...

Dr. Ashraf Al-Arabi’s participation in the Arab Economic Forum in Beirut

During his participation in the Arab Economic Forum in Beirut: "Al-Araby" reviews the experience of economic reform in Egypt And he affirms: The basic principles on which Egypt’s experience in economic reform was based centered around the integration between the role of the state and the...

The Institute of National Planning concludes the training program “Governance to Support Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability in Organizations”

Based on the advisory and training role played by the Planning Institute, the activities of the training program “Governance to Support Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability in Organizations” for a group of employees of the Egyptian Tax Authority, which was held at the Institute from November...