
The Institute of National Planning held at its headquarters the third episode of “Tuesday Seminar”, which was devoted to talking about Dr. Ismail Sabry Abdullah, one of the senior planning pioneers in Egypt.

​The Institute of National Planning held at its headquarters the third episode of "Tuesday Seminar", which was devoted to talking about Dr. Ismail Sabry Abdullah, one of the senior planning pioneers in Egypt and the director of the National Planning Institute during the period (1969-1977). Participated...

The Institute of National Planning holds a distinguished lecture on “The Narrow Corridor: States, Communities, and the Fate of Freedom”

​The Institute of National Planning holds a distinguished lecture on "The Narrow Corridor: States, Communities, and the Fate of Freedom" The Institute of National Planning held a distinguished lecture entitled "The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Freedom", delivered by Prof. James Robinson, Professor...

The National Planning Institute and Misr Dot Bokra Foundation sign an agreement to organize the Entrepreneurship Diploma and digital innovation

​Dr.. Ashraf Elaraby: The Institute of National Planning is keen to expand partnerships with civil society Within the framework of the Institute of National Planning's keenness to enhance cooperation and partnership with various governmental and non-governmental bodies and institutions inside and outside Egypt, a joint cooperation...

Seminar for Young Researchers – Episode Three – Reflection of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Small and Medium Enterprises (Opportunities and Challenges)

The Institute of National Planning holds the third episode of a seminar for young researchers entitled: Reflection of the fourth industrial revolution on small and medium enterprises (opportunities and challenges) On Tuesday, 17/1/2023 AD, at ten o'clock in the morning At the Institute's headquarters in Hall No. (804)...

Seminar for Young Researchers – Episode Three – Reflection of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Small and Medium Enterprises (Opportunities and Challenges)

The Institute of National Planning holds the third episode of a seminar for young researchers entitled: Reflection of the fourth industrial revolution on small and medium enterprises (opportunities and challenges) On Tuesday, 17/1/2023 AD, at ten o'clock in the morning At the Institute's headquarters in Hall No. (804)...

Vice President of the National Planning Institute for Research and Graduate Studies inspects the work of professional and academic master’s exams

Prof. Dr. Hala Sultan Abu Ali, Vice President of the National Planning Institute for Research and Graduate Studies, inspected the progress of the examination process at the Institute for the Academic Master in Planning and Development, and the Professional Master in Planning for Sustainable Development,...

The Institute of National Planning obtains the two certificates of international standards for quality ISO 45001:2018 and environmental management ISO 14001:2015

Prof. Dr. Ashraf El-Araby, President of the Institute of National Planning, witnessed the activities of the closing session to present the report of the external review team for integrated quality management systems, whether those that are being renewed are the ISO 9001: 2015 quality management...