
Institute Of National Planning

The National Planning Institute was established in 1960 to improve Egypt’s scientific planning methodology and ideas. The Institute has invited the world’s finest specialists in development and planning to share their expertise and knowledge.

For more than five decades, the Institute’s publications in the field of research addressed all major economic, social, cultural, and knowledge-development challenges.

The Institute’s training contributions varied and included many different categories and sectors, as well as strategic and non-traditional features to promote growth.



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Institute Of National Planning

The National Planning Institute was established in 1960 to improve Egypt’s scientific planning methodology and ideas. The Institute has invited the world’s finest specialists in development and planning to share their expertise and knowledge.

For more than five decades, the Institute’s publications in the field of research addressed all major economic, social, cultural, and knowledge-development challenges.

The Institute’s training contributions varied and included many different categories and sectors, as well as strategic and non-traditional features to promote growth.



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Institute Of National Planning

The National Planning Institute was established in 1960 to improve Egypt’s scientific planning methodology and ideas. The Institute has invited the world’s finest specialists in development and planning to share their expertise and knowledge.

For more than five decades, the Institute’s publications in the field of research addressed all major economic, social, cultural, and knowledge-development challenges.

The Institute’s training contributions varied and included many different categories and sectors, as well as strategic and non-traditional features to promote growth.

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Contact Information


Institute of National Planning - intersection of Salah Salem Street with Tayaran Street - Nasr City - Cairo - Arab Republic of Egypt - PO Box 11765


(+202) 22635687


(+202) 22634747 - 24011398

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Institute Of National Planning

The National Planning Institute was established in 1960 to improve Egypt’s scientific planning methodology and ideas. The Institute has invited the world’s finest specialists in development and planning to share their expertise and knowledge.

For more than five decades, the Institute’s publications in the field of research addressed all major economic, social, cultural, and knowledge-development challenges.

The Institute’s training contributions varied and included many different categories and sectors, as well as strategic and non-traditional features to promote growth.



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Institute of National Planning in partnership with Masr Dot Bokra Foundation for Skills Development, offers the "Executive Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Digital Innovation” program.

1.     About the program

This program involves a variety of theoretical, case studies, and exercises that aim to improve Egyptian youth business skills. Through a series of interrelated and highly interactive programs, we will discuss and shed light on what it takes to start and manage an innovative, sustainable, and profitable business.

Participants will learn how to work with a set of concepts and tools, they will be well managerial equipped whether to manage their businesses or to be one of the entities' effective managers.

Innovation is the driving power for entrepreneurs who want to change the world. On the other hand, innovative solutions to complex problems are inspired by Entrepreneurship and Digital Innovation. New thinking and a new approach toward innovation are required to face current and future problems. It allows people, teams, and organizations to have a human-centered perspective, and yet a scientific approach, towards solving problems.

2.     Learning Objectives

  • Inspire the participants to think from the entrepreneur’s perspective.
  • Understand the term “Entrepreneurship and Digital Innovation”
  • Learn how applying business and technological innovation helps businesses to grow and that the lack of innovation causes businesses to fail/struggle.
  • Learn how to use Digital Innovation to generate innovative ideas/ solutions.
  • Focusing on the technicality of filtering many ideas and determining which ones are likely to produce specific, desired outcomes.
  • Turn your idea into a viable business format using Business Model Canvas.
  • Build your initial prototype for a product, service, or business design.
  • Present your ideas in front of investors.
  • Introducing the basic knowledge required to reinforce participants to think as entrepreneurs.
  • Learn how to generate innovative ideas using Design Thinking as an effective and innovative problem-solving technique.
  • Developing entrepreneurial skills, introducing the basic concepts of entrepreneurship, and applying interactive learning to use essential tools required to turn their ideas into business.

3.     Duration

A total of 144 hours within 3 months.

4.     Language

The language of the course will be a combination of Arabic and English.

  1. Requirements:
  • + 23 years old.
  • A self-starter, a learner, and a team player.
  • Comfortable with the English language & technology concepts.
  • Can express her/his own qualities and aspirations through a written or recorded personal statement.
  • Will pass a final personal interview.
  • Having a startup/an innovative idea is a plus.
  • Entrepreneurship attempts and work experience.



* The program will offer accommodation for applicants from outside Cairo.

* Gender equality will be applied.



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Institute Of National Planning

The National Planning Institute was established in 1960 to improve Egypt’s scientific planning methodology and ideas. The Institute has invited the world’s finest specialists in development and planning to share their expertise and knowledge.

For more than five decades, the Institute’s publications in the field of research addressed all major economic, social, cultural, and knowledge-development challenges.

The Institute’s training contributions varied and included many different categories and sectors, as well as strategic and non-traditional features to promote growth.



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Join us as a trainee

The internship program at the National Planning Institute aims to help university students from the third and fourth year to gain work experience in various departments, qualify them to cope with work challenges in many fields, and develop their abilities to compete in the labor market. The program was designed this year to involve university students in the various activities of the Institute, its centers, departments, and various departments.

The program also provides the "trainees" with the opportunity to work with a distinguished elite of professors and experts at the National Planning Institute, learn about different government plans, explore policies and programs that will develop students' ability to achieve sustainable development goals, contribute to the formulation of policies to achieve national development goals, and consult and institutional support. Preparing national and regional reports, implementation plans, and policy papers.

The National Planning Institute internship program is designed to attract highly qualified and motivated students from diverse scientific backgrounds to the Institute to work on projects of strategic directions for the government and to participate in national and international development projects. .

Conditions for applying for training:

  • The applicant must be enrolled in at least the third year in one of the universities (public / private / Community) approved by the Supreme Council of Universities.
  • The cumulative grade obtained by the student must be at least (good).
  • Familiarity with English, knowledge of other languages ​​will be an added advantage.
  • Possess strong research and analytical skills.
  • Ability to work effectively in a team environment.

Documents required for submission:

  • A certificate of proof of enrollment from the college indicating the student's cumulative grade.
  • A copy of the national ID card.
  • A recent personal photo.
  • Curriculum vitae (indicating personal data).
دليل البرامج التدريبية بمعهد التخطيط القومي

Or you can download INP Training Programs guide by clicking here.

The minimum training period is one month,

within 20 hours per week.

Students who meet the requirements and wish to apply for the training must send the required documents

Get In Touch

Contact Information


Institute of National Planning - intersection of Salah Salem Street with Tayaran Street - Nasr City - Cairo - Arab Republic of Egypt - PO Box 11765


(202+) 22634040 - 22627372


(202+) 22634747 - 24011398


Institute of National Planning (INP) has been established in 1960 as an independent public institution conducting scientific activity that covers all fields and issues of planning and development. Institutional structure of INP has been developed so as to enhance its role as a center for scientific thinking (Think Tank) by the Law No. 13 of 2015. INP is also concerned with conducting research and studies, presenting consultations, building capacities and servicing community through training programs, and granting scientific degrees (Diploma, M. Ph., and Ph.D.) individually or in collaboration with national and foreign universities and research centers. The Program of Academic Master in Planning and Development is accredited by the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, that is equivalent to the Master Degree granted by the Egyptian universities that are subject to the university law No. 49 of 1972 and its implementing regulations, of Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences in equivalent specializations. The programs aims to prepare highly qualified staff members in the field of planning and development who are qualified enough to deal with national and international variables in their governmental and private organizations aiming to develop and increase their efficiency by creating a new modern educational and training environment that is able to mix up knowledge, scientific experience and practical work; and that provides the elements of creation and future vision that can achieve uniqueness.

Program Informations

  • Development of knowledge and skills of planning curricula, theories and techniques.
  • Development of knowledge and skills of development curricula and theories.
  • Preparing reports of evaluating and monitoring plans and performance.
  • Preparing a scientific research of any issue relevant to planning and development.

The period of the study is two academic years.

  • The first academic year includes (5) complementary courses in an introductory semester, followed by (8) courses within two semesters.
  • The second academic year includes (8) advanced courses within two academic semesters.
  • After the two years, the student is to prepare a thesis in one of the issues related to planning and development, which are suggested by scientific centers annually, to be defended in a public discussion after one year of registration at least
  • Employees in the fields of planning and development at departments of planning and monitoring in all units of state apparatus, ministries, economic and service agencies; and local administration units inside and outside Egypt.
  • Employees at the private and public business sectors and NGOs.
  • Passing tests of complementary courses successfully.
  • Passing tests of the two academic years successfully, with a grade of “Good” at least for each year.
  • Preparing a thesis (according to the rules of choosing the subject, scientific supervision, and follow-up adopted in the Egyptian universities). The thesis is to be defended in a public discussion before a Discussion and Jury Committee formed for this purpose.

The Program is to be executed along two years: the first year is for the general stage, while the second year is for the specialized stage, according to the fields of sustainable development as follows:

A- First Year: The General Stage (Eight courses). Duration of the stage is eight months.

B- Second Year: The Specialized Stage (Six courses). Duration of the stage is eight months, including the course of “Applied Research” to prepare a research in one of the planning and development issues with priority as for the scholar interests. A professor is responsible of this course to guide scholars towards the eight specialized scientific centers according to the subject of the applied research.

Specialized groups have been formed on the basis of the three main axes of sustainable development, from which the scholar is to choose one, as follows:

  • ·Track One: Planning for Economic Development.
  •  Track Two: Planning for Social Development.
  •  Track Three :of Environmental Planning.

Also, the scholar is to choose two of the courses available in the group of elective courses as follows: Economics of Transportation and Energy, Evaluation of Industrial Projects, Evaluation of Agricultural Projects, Evaluation of Service Projects, Knowledge Economics, Social Justice and Development, International Negotiation, International Economic Blocks, Strategic Administration, Management and Decision Support Systems, Development Role of NGOs, Environmental Evaluation of Development Plans and Projects, Natural Resource Management, Planning for Regional Development, and Smart and Sustainable Cities.


Program Semesters

Title Aims Class Attachements URl
Principals of Economics This course aims to study economics in terms of its definition, methods of analysis and policies. In addition, it aims at enabling the student to be aware of microeconomic market patterns, consumption, production and pricing decisions, besides analyzing the performance indicators of the national economy as a whole. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Microeconomics topics: Principles of Economics., Theories of Consumer Behavior, Supply and Demand Forces, Elasticities, Production and Cost Theories; Economic Markets (Perfect Competition – Monopoly). Macroeconomics Topics: The General Equilibrium and the main economic variables, The Income, product, expenditure flow and the Income-product accounts, Employment and unemployment, Consumption and the role of the household sector in the economic activity, Investment and the role of the business sector in the economic activity, The role of Money in the Economic activity and the monetary policy, The role of government in the economic activity and the fiscal policy, International trade, balance of payments and exchange rate, Macroeconomic models, Contemporary Economic Issues. first class Download View
Applied Statistics This course mainly aims to introduce the student to the mathematical and statistical methods of data analysis. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Descriptive Statistics; Statistical Inference: Estimation; Statistical Hypothesis Testing; Simple and Multiple linear correlation and regression; Time Series Analysis; Indices. first class Download View
Methods and Methodologies of Scientific Research The course aims to familiarize the student with scientific research methods, research sources and references, and acquire the skill of research techniques. This goal is achieved through studying the Importance of Scientific Research; Research proposal; References available for a student to get a research problem from; Methods of data collection; Research Methodologies; Writing Research. first class Download View
Applied Mathematics The course mainly aims to introduce the student to mathematical applications in the field of economics and how to use mathematical functions and equations in analyzing important economic issues. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Linear Functions and their Economic and administrative application; Non-Linear Functions and their Economic and administrative application; Systems of Equations (Solution and application); Determinants and Matrices and their economic and administrative application; Maximization Functions with one economic or administrative variable; Economic Applications to the instant rate of change of a function; Linear rate of change in more than one variable. first class Download View
Introduction to Computer The course aims to provide the student with knowledge of the principles of using the computer and its various programs necessary for daily uses in the field of scientific research, in addition to giving an overview of how to use and search the Internet. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Basic Concepts to Information Technology; Dealing with MS Word in Writing and Printing; Dealing with MS Excel in data mining; Dealing with MS Power Point to merge images and text with motion and voice; Dealing with MS Access to build data base; Dealing with the internet. first class Download View
Title Aims Class Attachements URl
Local Development and Regional Planning This course aims to address the various analytical methods of regional planning in order to prepare, evaluate and monitor regional and local development plans. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Local Development and Regional Planning; The Analytical Methods to the Regional Planning; Local Administration and Local Finance; Methods of Regional Plan preparation and management; Regional Development strategies and policies. first class Download View
Quantitative Methods in Decision Making This course aims at the student's study of quantitative methods and to analyze scientific problems and solve them using mathematical and econometric tools to reach the main objective, which is decision-making. To achieve this goal, the student studies the following: The theory of Decision Making and modeling; The concept of Quantitative Modeling and its types; Formulating some real-world problems using quantitative models; The most important models of certainty, probability and strategy and their uses; Information Systems; Computer Applications. first class Download View
Envioronment and natural Resources Management This course mainly aims to study contemporary environmental issues at the national and global levels and their various impacts. In addition, it allows the student to understand the analytical tools of environmental economics and legislative frameworks for environmental protection besides the optimal utilization of natural resources. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Some Local and Global Environmental Issues; Comprehensive environmental administration; The Environmental and some economic and social issues; Basis and systems of environmental information; The legal and institutional framework to protect the environment; Optimum utilization of natural resources. first class Download View
The Social Planning and Human Resources Development This course aims to introduce the student to social and cultural development and link it to the planning process. Moreover, it enables the student to understand the delivery of social projects, in addition to studying human development indicators, concepts of social justice, sustainable development, and human capital development in all aspects. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Human Development; Social and Cultural planning; Social Policies; Ways and Methods of measuring human development indices; Social Programs and projects Management; Planning and presenting social programs and projects; Managing and developing human resources. first class Download View
Title Aims Class Attachements URl
Program and Project Management This course aims to address modern management methods, how to prepare plans and manage them successfully, and to enable the student to use all management tools represented in information systems, budgets, and optimal use of resources. To reach this goal, the student studies the following: Modern methods in institutional management; A historical view and a future vision; The role of the manager in the contemporary management; The nature of an organization, levels of management, management as a dynamic process, the traditional second class Download View
Feasibility Studies of Projects This course aims to deepen the student's understanding of the various economic, social, marketing, environmental and financial aspects of feasibility studies and project evaluation. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Projects as one of the tools of economic and social development; Market study and demand forecasting; The technical study of the project; Organization and project management; Estimating costs and benefits of the project and its financial plan; Financial Analysis to the Project; Economic analysis of the project; Social and Environmental analysis of projects; Project analysis in risk and uncertainty; Computer application on case studies; Preparing and evaluating the final report of the feasibility study. second class Download View
Analytical Methods for Regional Planning this course mainly aims to study and analyze regional plans aims at achieving sustainable development. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: The Importance of Regional Analysis – measuring the efficiency of the regional economic basis; Estimating the regional domestic product; Measuring regional growth – specialization -Concentration – diffusion; Regional settlement (theories - policies - the importance of industrial settlement); Geographical Information Systems. second class Download View
Strategic Management and Future Studies The course aims to provide the student with strategic management concepts and strategic thinking skills, and hence the ability to evaluate and control strategies, and to identify the relation between future studies of sustainable development and long-term planning. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Globalization; Strategic Management, direction and strategic choice in globalization; External and Internal environment of an entity; Strategic Thinking; Strategy implementation; Strategic Evaluation and Monitoring. second class Download View
Title Aims Class Attachements URl
Total Quality Management This course mainly aims to identify the basics of total quality management and the methods of its application. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Principles of Total Quality Management (TQM); Statistical quality control;
Quality costs; Total Quality management Application; Experiences of some international companies(such as Xerox, IBM and Motorola); Common Mistakes about TQM Application; A study of the opportunities to apply total quality management on a company.
second class Download View
Modern Scientific Methods This course aims to enable the student to use various decision support models and methods. This is done by the student studying the following: Decision Support Systems (DSS); Artificial Intelligence; Expert Systems; Agent Technology; Methods of Neural Networks and its applications; Interactive game model (Interactive programming); Models of linear programming of multiple goals and its application in an interactive way with the decision maker; Reverse optimization programming method; Data Envelopment Analysis; Genetic and biotechnology and their uses. second class Download View
Crisis Management and Emergency Planning This course mainly aims to provide the student with crisis management skills, control systems and operation of crisis management units, and how to benefit from previous experiences. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Risks, crisis and emergency situations and development; Risks and Crisis Management; The organizational structure of the crisis management unit; Planning for emergencies through future scenarios; Information technology and communication and its function in crisis management; Case Studies: The External debt crisis, Liquidity and economic recession crisis, Tourism crisis, Health Crisis, Food crisis. second class Download View
Negotiation This course aims to enable the student to become familiar with negotiation skills and the factors affecting the success of negotiation processes. To achieve this goal, the student studies the following: Basics of Negotiation; Factors affecting the negotiation process; Negotiation stages and steps; Negotiation management; Employing different techniques and game models in effective negotiation management; Effective negotiation strategies and tactics; Presentation and analysis of some negotiation situations; Management and follow-up negotiation in the field of concluding contracts; Practical case workshops. second class Download View
Title Aims Class Attachements URl
Capacity Building: Theory and Practice This course is designed to provide the students with valuable knowledge and skills that can allow them to get to the market. Capacity development is now broadly recognized as an essential component of any successful process of change and a key factor of effectiveness for international development projects. In 2012, the World Bank Institute reported that donors assigned 30 billion dollars per year on capacity development activities. In this course, students will be given the opportunity to delve into what it means to help people learn and acquire competencies both theoretically and practically. They will also explore the different approaches that are used to develop the capacities of various stakeholders during development interventions. Using case studies and examples from international development projects, students will be acquainted with the factors and challenges influencing the extent to which interventions aiming to increase capacities manage to deliver results or not ,as well as possible solutions to overcome such difficulties. The course also includes a practical component to enable students develop their skills in planning and organizing capacity development interventions that are appropriate to the context and actors involved. forth class View
Consultancy Skills This course focuses on providing basic knowledge and information about the consultancy, role of the consultant in the development project, characteristics of the consultant that clients seek, reputation of the consultant as the most important way of consultancy services promotion and open questions that could hinder successful consultancy process. The course outlines insight into basic skills necessary to complete the consultancy process. In order to avoid usual traps in the relationship consultant-client, students will be introduced with the consultancy pyramid that ensures satisfied clients and good reputation for the consultants. The course is designed with respect to special needs and problems of development project and implementing agencies. Moreover, students will discuss consulting lessons learned and problems; and end with consulting "Best Practices". forth class View
Results-based project management: Case studies This course aims at shifting from a focus on the inputs and activities to a focus on the outputs, outcomes, and impact. Results are the changes that can be described and measured and it’s the consequence of a cause-effect relationship. They imply that changes in behaviors, by individuals, groups of people, organizations, government bodies or society, have taken place. This course takes the concepts of RBM and applies it directly to the project management environment, using all the processes and methods that will help development projects achieve the desired results. It is designed for people that have a responsibility to manage or contribute to the results of a project; especially project managers, team members, and program directors. forth class View
Information System and Project Management This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to project management in an information technology / information systems context. It will explain the need for project management and the issues associated with managing projects in the IS/IT context. It will explain the key phases of the project management cycle and describe the various tools and methods used in each of those phases. The course will consider both theoretical and practical perspectives and equip you with the necessary skills to be able to better manage or participate in projects. The course assumes no prior experience in project management, but does assume that you are familiar with the systems development lifecycle and have a good understanding of the processes involved in the development of information systems. forth class View
Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation This course provides students with tools, techniques and resources needed for designing, planning, organizing, monitoring and evaluating projects or programs or. Therefore, this course presents the principles of Design, Monitoring an Evaluation (DM&E) Cycle. DM&E is a critical element of the projects or programs , as it provides the information needed to make decisions for project management to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the interventions and satisfy accountability requirements. This course will help the students in understanding the most common processes, tools, techniques, and theories that are necessary to monitor and evaluate a project or program. Through case studies and group discussions, participants will learn the links between design, monitoring and project or program evaluation. forth class View

Master's Degree

Planning and Development

(classroom system)

Program Grade


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you as soon as possible

    Program Informations

    The Institute of National Planning was established in 1960 as an independent public body that carries out a scientific activity that covers all issues and fields of planning and development. The institutional structure of the institute has also been developed to enhance its role as a center for scientific thinking through the issuance of Law No. (13) of 2015. It is also concerned with conducting research, providing consultations, building capacity and serving the community by organizing training programs and granting scientific degrees (diploma - masters - doctorate) alone or in cooperation With universities and research centers at home and abroad. .

    Program Mission:

    “An innovative program that enables the students to attain knowledge and skills necessary to deal with future challenges, and prepares them distinctly for the different business models related to the areas of planning and development nationally, regionally and internationally ."

    The academic master’s program in planning and development (credit-hour system) is a program accredited by the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities and is equivalent to the academic doctorate degree granted by Egyptian universities subject to the Universities Organization Law No. (49) of 1972 and its executive regulations from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science in the corresponding specialization, and the program aims to prepare distinguished cadres in the fields of planning and development and qualified to deal with national, regional and international changes in their organizations, whether governmental or non-governmental, with the aim of developing them, improving their efficiency and increasing their effectiveness, by providing an educational climate that combines the provision of knowledge, transfer of scientific expertise and applied practices, and provides elements of creativity and future vision that achieve excellence .

    Importance of the Program:

    • Produces pioneers in the fields of planning and development nationally, regionally and internationally.
    • It achieves linking the Institute with the community, because it meets the real needs of many categories of stakeholders nationally, regionally and internationally.
    • Apply national and international quality standards and academic accreditation.
    • Supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals nationally (SDS) and globally - (SDGs)
    • Contributes to the preparation of qualified researchers to produce the latest research and studies in the areas of planning and development.
    • Provides graduates with the necessary skills to undertake planning and development positions and functions in all institutions.
    • Builds the necessary competencies to lead business communities, government and civil society organizations nationally, regionally and internationally.
    • Apply the concept of continuing education, by providing the opportunity for workers in different sectors to complete postgraduate studies.
    • The principle of flexibility is achieved by giving students the opportunity to choose to study some courses that are in line with their desires, tendencies and interests.

     Program Objectives  :

    The academic master’s program in the credit-hour system in Planning and Development aims to prepare and qualify national, regional and international cadres and cadres highly qualified to assume planning and development leadership positions and positions in all institutions by applying the latest standards of quality and national and international academic accreditation to provide a graduate with the ability to:

    • Pioneering performance in planning in governmental and private organizations and civil society in light of national, regional and international challenges.
    • Investing in the growing opportunities for learning, acquiring knowledge, and refining skills in light of the latest technological developments (the digital economy).
    • Access to global planning and development experiences and expertise in order to extract practical lessons learned from them.
    • The ability to deal with international organizations and build strategic alliances in the light of the network economy.
    • Meet the needs of the labor market in all organizations at all levels nationally, regionally and internationally.
    • Preparing research and studies that diagnose and address contemporary development problems nationally, regionally and internationally.
    • Enriching libraries with research, theoretical and applied studies in the areas of planning and development.

    The Credit Hour System

    -       Credit hours is the system on which the study depends on. It gives the student the freedom to choose different courses offered with a certain number of credit hours by permitting the student to attain different numbers of credit hours through the week according to his/her abilities and studying conditions according to the proceedings regulations. This system gives the opportunity to the students to transfer from and to other universities with the ability to transmit the credit hours attained according to the regulations

    -       A credit hour is a measuring unit to determine the significance of a course with respect to other courses.

    A credit hour is equivalent to 50 minutes of communication per week for 15 weeks; or 100 minutes of communication per week for 15 weeks in the laboratory practical part; or 200 minutes communication

    -       per week and for 15 weeks in the practical and field visits.

    Each credit hour should be equivalent to one hour written exam by the end of the semester

    • Workers in state agencies in the areas of planning and developmentWorkers in ministries, economic and service bodies, and local administration units .

      Workers in the public business sector and the private sectorِ

      Workers in civil society organizations .

    • An applicant to study for an academic master’s degree in planning and development is required to meet the following conditions:
    • Fulfilling all admission and registration requirements stipulated in the Executive Regulations of the Institute's Law No. 13 of 2015.
    • Obtaining a university degree - from a university or scientific institute accredited by the Supreme Council of Universities - in economics with a grade of at least good; It is permissible to accept majors other than economics (commerce - law - media - engineering - science - computers and information - agriculture) or their equivalent in universities and private institutes accredited by the Supreme Council of Universities, with a general grade of at least very good; Less than that, the student must have obtained one of the diplomas in the same specialization with a grade of at least good.
    • Passing the level of English language and computer proficiency in accordance with Article No. (15).
    • Pass the personal interview.
    • The applicant must fulfill any other conditions determined by the Institute's Postgraduate Studies Committee.

    Requirements to pass the program

    -          At least seven semesters have passed since the start of enrollment in the program.

    -          The student’s success in all courses of the program (24 credit hours) with a general grade “good” or an average of no less than 2.4 out of 4.

    -          A research published or accepted for publication on the subject of the thesis in one of the scientific journals or periodicals (local/regional/international) listed in the databases approved by the Supreme Council of Universities.

    -          Preparing an acceptable scientific thesis to the defense and examiners committee and a recommendation of granting the degree (12 credit hours).

    -       The credit hour system is the system that aims to provide the student with the freedom to study a set of specific courses with credit hours, while allowing the number of those hours to vary from one student to another during one week according to each student's abilities and academic status.

    -        The students must study (24) credit hours from a different specialization as complementary courses represented by (8) credit hours with (3) credit hours for each course students must study from a different specialization, as illustrated by the following table :

    First: Compulsory Courses

    (8) Complementary courses with (3) credit hours for each course *

    (6) Preliminary courses: 18 credit hours with 3 hours for each course

    Second: Elective Courses

    (2) Preliminary courses: 6 credit hours with 3 hours for each course

    Third: A research in the same specialization (an academic thesis)

    12 credit hours

    Total credit hours of the program

    36 credit hours

    - It is allowed to exempt any student from studying the complementary courses if he/she previously studied them during the past five years since the program enrollment.

    - The Compulsory and Elective courses of the M.Sc. program in planning and development are the following:

    First: Compulsory Courses (The Completion phase)


    Courses Names

    Courses Codes

    Credit Hours

    Pre-requisites (If found)

    Semester One


    Principles of Macroeconomics




    Public Finance




    Managerial Economics




    National Accounts



    Semester Two


    Principles of Microeconomics





    Money and Banking





    Mathematical Economics and Econometrics





    Research Methodology



    Total Completion Credits


    Second: Preliminary Phase


    Courses Names

    Courses Codes

    Credit Hours

    Pre-requisites if found) )

    Semester Three


    Microeconomic Theory (1) - Compulsory





      Macroeconomic Theory (1) - Compulsory





    Economic Development





    Elective Course (1)




    Semester Four


    Microeconomic Theory (2) - Compulsory





    Macroeconomic Theory (2) - Compulsory





    Theories and Practices of Planning and development





    Elective Course (2)




    Total Credit Hours


    Third: Elective courses (the student chooses two courses): Applied Econometrics - International Economic Relations And Development - Economics Of Sustainable Development - Economic Policy - Economic Planning Methods - Economics Of Human Resources - Economics Of Finance – Environmental Economics - Economic History – Economics of Energy - Knowledge Economics - Feasibility Studies And Project Evaluation – Government Budget and Plan - Development Policies - Strategic Planning And Future Studies - Public Policies - International Finance - Spatial Planning And Local Development - Sectoral Planning and Development – cultural and Social Planning And Development – Environmental Planning and Development - Governance And Development - Urban Planning And Development - Information Technology And Development - Entrepreneurship – International Development and Planning Issues - Dynamics Of Urban Planning – The system of Water, Food And Energy - Institutional Economics.

    The Postgraduate Studies Committee at the Institute may change from one academic year to another the elective courses according to the vision of the academic centers, or add new courses to the list of elective courses, provided that they are approved

    Program Semesters

    Title Aims Class Attachements URl
    Principles of Macroeconomics This course aims to study macroeconomics in terms of its definition, methods of analysis and policies, then and the most important terms related to it. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Introduction to Economics; Basics to Economic Analysis; The basic economic concepts on the macro level; The product and Income Accounts; Aggregate Demand and Supply; Money Supply and Demand; Inflation and Unemployment; Balance of Payment and Exchange Rate; Economic Growth and Development first class Download View
    Public Finance The course aims to provide the student with the public financial aspects related to the state in terms of its expenditures and revenues and the mechanisms used to record them, and prepare students to be familiar with the process of the government budget preparation . This goal is achieved through the student’s study of the following: Definition of Public Finance and its relation to Economics; the Definition of government budget – and the round of its preparations – and the principles that govern the government budgeting; Public revenues, and its main sources; the concept of taxation and its social and economic effects; the evolution of the public expenditures, and its different divisions; Sources to finance the government budget deficit; Public debt – its nature and justifications to depend on it; the Fiscal Policy and the Government budget in Egypt first class Download View
    Managerial Economics This course mainly aims to introduce the student to the concepts of micro and macroeconomic theory that are directly related to administrative decisions, and to show how to benefit from the analysis of economic variables that affect administrative decision-making. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Basic Concepts; Economics of Management; the Demand theory based on the Market economy; Demand Analysis; Elasticity; Demand Estimation; Production theory; Costs theory; Pricing decision. first class Download View
    National Accounts The course aims mainly to introduce the student to the principles of national accounting and its relation to the government budget. It also aims to enable students to define the national income and its measurements. This goal is achieved through the student’s study of the following: The basic economic concepts in the National accounting and its nature and functions; Similarities and Differences between National Accounting and the Accounting of the economic organizations; the relation between the accounting system and the Government budget; studying the Governmental accounts and the Government budgeting and their rounds, internal monitoring and different applications; studying the scientific basics of the Egyptian governmental accounting system; Applied Accounting methods and the extent to which they achieve the monitoring goals and the plans in addition to recommendations to develop these methods; the general context of National Accounting; methods to measure the National Income. first class Download View
    Title Aims Class Attachements URl
    Principles of Microeconomics The course aims to provide the student with the principles of the economic theory at the micro-economic level and to enable the student to identify the micro-economic agents and their behavior. This goal is achieved through Student study the following: Consumer Behavior Analysis and the Marginal Utility; Supply Curve; Market Equilibrium; Demand and Supply Elasticity; Production and Cost; Markets and their functions. second class Download View
    Money and Banking This course aims to provide the student with a background on money, banks and financial markets and their theoretical and practical underpinnings. Moreover, the course enables the students to highlight the role played by the financial institutions; hence the student becomes aware of the monetary policies necessary to address economic problems of stagnation, unemployment, inflation, etc. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: What is Money? Historical Development / Functions; The concept, Types; The Monetary Systems; Money Demand; The Banking System; Money Supply; the Central Bank; Commercial Banks; Public Treasury; Monetary Policy. second class Download View
    Mathematical Economics and Econometrics This course aims to introduce the student to the mathematical and statistical methods of data analysis, and this goal is achieved through: Matrices; Differential Equations; Integral Equations; Simple Linear Correlation; Multiple Correlation; Regression Analysis; Deductive Reasoning; Simultaneous Equation Models. second class Download View
    Research Methodology The course aims to familiarize the student with scientific research methods, research sources and references, and acquire the skill of research techniques. This goal is achieved through: Concept and Importance of Scientific research; Research Ethics and the distinguished traits of a researcher; Stages and conditions of a scientific research; Scientific Research methods; Ways and Sources of Data collection; Methods of information presentation; Basis and Rules of Academic Writing; Scientific Referencing to the references and sources of research; Choosing and determining a research point to be a field to conduct a research; Preparing a comprehensive research proposal satisfying all the formal and objective conditions. second class Download View
    Title Aims Class Attachements URl
    Macroeconomic Theory (1) - Compulsory This course mainly aims to introduce the student to the main economic theories on the macro level that includes the national economy as a whole. This is to enhance the ability of the student to interpret macroeconomic theories and use them to solve problems. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: IS curve; the General Equilibrium and Macroeconomic Policies in a closed economy (IS-LM model);
    Open Market Economies (IS-LM-BP); Labor Market and Prices and wages determination (AD-AS model); Inflation and Philips curve; Monetary Policy; International Trade Theory; International economies and political transmission; The distribution theory and the political economy; Development theory; Economic crisis and the international disequilibrium
    thired class Download View
    Elective Course(1) thired class View
    Microeconomic Theory (1) - Compulsory This course aims to address the basic principles of microeconomic theory that enables the student to understand and analyze economic issues at the micro level. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Demand and Supply; Applications on Demand and Supply models; Consumer Choice; Applications on the consumer theory; Firms and production; Costs of Production; Firms and Markets; Factors of Production markets; Game Theory and Nash Equilibrium; Uncertainty; Externalities and Public goods. thired class Download View
    Economic Development - Compulsory This course mainly targets the student's study of the various development theories and their applications in addition to the development dilemmas facing the world. It also aims at determining all the international, regional and international parties involved in sustainable development. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Introduction to Economic Development; Theories of Economic Development; History of Economic Development; Measurements of Economic Development; Measurements and determinants of poverty; The poverty, growth and Inequality triangle; Human Capital and development; Markets, Networks and Social capital; Institutions, Governance and development; Culture, Social norms and development; Participation, democracy and development; Trade and Economic Development; International Development Aids; Economic Development Models. thired class Download View
    Title Aims Class Attachements URl
    Elective Course(2) forth class View
    Macroeconomic Theory (2) – Compulsory This course mainly aims to address complex macroeconomic theories and models, their development and analysis in light of certainty and uncertainty, and to address the various aspects of criticism directed at those theories. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Consumption Theory in case of Certainty and Uncertainty; Investment Theory in case of Certainty and Uncertainty; Classical Monetary Models; New-Keynesian Monetary Models; Economic Growth Models; The Growth Model of the Neo-classicals and the dynamic programming; Criticism of Economic Theories; Mathematical Methods to New Dynamic Economies and their application. forth class View
    Theories and Practices of Planning and Development - Compulsory This course mainly aims to introduce the student to the theories and methods of planning and the development. The course also aims to highlight an integrated methodological framework for the planning process, clarify short and long-term goals, and how to set the main steps of the planning process for all the economic sectors and to achieve the sustainable development process. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: The Concept of Economic System and its efficiency; The Social System and the Political system; Basis of Economic Systems disparities; Development theories and the evolution of the development thinking; Development Indices; Planning, Concept and Importance; The conditions of Effective Planning activities;
    Types of Planning; Main steps in the planning process; Analysis of the current situation with its problems and conditions; Recognition of future Prospects and their determinants; Determining the strategic vision and the national goals; Determining Policies and methods of implementation; The political and Legal accreditation of plan and monitoring its implementation; Putting Middle-run Goals; The Method of having Fixed Goals – The Method of having Optimal Goals; Fixed and Variable Goals; Methods of Planning; The Methods of Modeling on all levels (National- Sectoral- economic entities), The Importance of long-run Planning; Hard Examinations; Monitoring the plan implementation and the difference between monitoring and Controlling; Types of Monitoring, the responsible institutions and the requirements of an effective monitoring.
    forth class View
    Microeconomic Theory (2) - Compulsory This course mainly targets the student's study of advanced microeconomic theories that deal with analysis at the firm and consumer level, maximizing utility and profit under uncertainty, in addition to various strategic interventions. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Theory of Consumer choices (Consumer Optimal Choice); Consumer Behavior and Demand Curve; Producer Theory; Utility maximization and cost minimization – Productive efficiency; The choice in the presence of uncertainty; The assumptions of rationality, continuity and independence in individual preferences; The General Equilibrium Theories; Welfare Economics (Pareto Efficiency and competitive equilibrium); Strategic Interventions; Asymmetric Information. forth class View
    Title Aims Class Attachements URl
    Institutional Economics This course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge of institutions’ theories, and types. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Introduction to Institutional Analysis; transaction cost; property rights theory ; contracts; institutional theories; the economic theory of the state; Trust, Societies and Culture; Institutions and economic development; political institutions and governance; states and markets; Institutional change. five class View
    Applied Econometrics This course aims mainly to enable the student to use mathematical and econometric models to analyze and interpret economic data, as econometrics is one of the basic tools that estimate the components of economic theory and other sciences by giving them numerical estimates that bring them closer to reality. This course tends to combine economic theory with mathematical and statistical tools, by focusing on econometric modeling that the student can use to provide recommendations to decision makers. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Introduction to Econometrics; Simple Linear Regression; Multiple Linear Regression; Testing Significance of Explanatory Variables; Testing Significance of the Regression Model; Multicollinearity; Heteroscedasticity; Autocorrelation; Using Dummy Variables; Measuring Elasticity using Regression Model; Faults in Model Determination five class View
    International Relations and Development This course aims mainly at providing the student with the basic concepts of contemporary international economic agreements and blocs and their relationship to the local and global development path, and to crystallize the importance of international trade relations and their impact on sustainable development issues. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: The Global Economic System; The development of International Trade and Capital Inflows; Structural Changes in International Trade and Capital Inflows; Economic Regional and International Blocs and Coalitions; Poverty, Global Inequality and Social Development; International Migration; The Global Economy and Free Trade; International Finance and Foreign Direct Investment; Work and Employment in the Global Economy. five class View
    Economics of Sustainable Development This course mainly aims to introduce the student to contemporary sustainable development issues and their concept, and the associated economic, social and environmental policies, in addition to studying structural reform programs and their effects on development issues. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Economic Development Strategies and Models; Human Development and its relation to Economic Development; Methods to Finance Development; Human Development, Comprehensive Development and Sustainable Development; Economic Approaches to the new concepts of Sustainable Development; The Social Policies to attain sustainable development; The Environmental Policies to attain sustainable development; Programs of Economic Reform and Structural Adaptation and their reflection on inflation, unemployment and economic growth; Contemporary Issues in sustainable development. five class View
    Economic Policy This course mainly aims to introduce the student to the various economic policies, their tools and the implications of using these tools in line with studying their impact on development goals’ achievements. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Definition to Economic Policy; Goals to Economic policy; Fiscal Policy; Applications on Fiscal Policy; Monetary Policy; Applications on Monetary policy; Trade Policy; Applications on Trade Policy; Motives to Economic Policy Effectiveness; Programs of Installation and Structural Adaptation: Goals & Effects; Sources to Finance Development;
    Applications of financing Development
    five class View
    Economic Planning Methods This course aims to study the different methods of planning by introducing the student to the types, tools and methods of constructing and evaluating economic plans and different programming methods to achieve planning for economic development. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Economic Planning; Economic Plan; Input /Output Tables; Linear Programming; Analytical Models of Growth Strategies; Analytical Models of development Strategies; Analytical Models of Income Distribution Strategies; Analytical Models of Tackling Poverty Strategies five class View
    Economics of Human Resources This course aims to study human development indicators, concepts of social justice, sustainable development, and human capital development in all aspects. It also allows the student to study and analyze the various experiences of strategic planning in the field of human resources. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Concepts of Human Development, Sustainable Human Development, Human Resources, Economics of Human Resources, Human Resources Competitiveness, Human Capital, Knowledge Capital; Human Development Key Performance Indices; Economics of Population and Labor Market; Economics of Education; Economics of continual Training and Developing skills and talents; Economics of Health; Economics of Knowledge, Creativity and developing the intellectual capital; Economics of Nutrition and Food Security; Environmental Economics and the quality of different lifestyles; Economics of Social Security, protection and social justice; Merging human development to the development strategy, medium-run and yearly development plans and government work programs; Experiences of Planning and Strategic Management to human development on the macro and micro levels. five class View
    Economics of Finance This course aims at presenting monetary theories, evaluating the performance of the financial market, and defining the various sources of financing available to enterprises, whether they are internal in the form of shareholders’ rights or external in the form of bank borrowing, the stock market, or other sources. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Introduction to the Financial Sector and its tools; Portfolio Theory; Financial Sector Efficiency; Demand on Financial Assets and Liquidity; Pricing Models: Classical models of Asset Pricing – Random Models - Arrow-Debreu Pricing; Bonds Pricing and the structure of interest rates maturity; Evaluation of shareholders’ rights; Derivatives: Pricing and usage; Risk Management: Theory and Practice; Decision making in uncertainty; Insurance Economics; Financial Crisis 2008; Financial Technology (Fintech); International Finance five class View
    Environmental Economics This course mainly aims to study contemporary environmental issues at the national and global levels and their various impacts, and to understand the analytical tools of environmental economics. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: Basic concepts and analytical tools of Environmental Economics; Basic Concepts of Environmental Economics; Studying the analytical tools of Environmental Economics; Studying the quality of the Environmental life; Environmental Issues on the National Level; Environmental Issues on the Global level five class View
    Economic History This course mainly aims to study the economic development of societies and address the most prominent events that affected the path of economic development worldwide, in order to extract lessons learned for their application in the future. This goal is achieved through the student's study of the following: History of Industrialization before 1870; History of Industrialization after year 1970 and the first industrial revolution; Political institutions and the government role after the first industrial revolution; Demographic Transition; Capital Accumulation, technological advancement and the use of natural resources; The cultural and social results of the first industrial revolution; The Economic history in the period between the World Wars; The Economic improvements after the second world war and its implications; The forth industrial revolution and its economic and social implications five class View
    Economics of Energy This course mainly aims to study issues and policies related to energy and sustainable development by introducing models of energy usage planning in addition to the economics of depleted resources. To achieve this goal, the student studies the following: Energy and Sustainable Development; Supply of Energy and Economics of Scarce resources; Demand on Energy and its consumption entities; Functions of the global oil market, the Customers of that Market and Energy Security; Theories of Sources of Energy pricing in the short-run and long-run and income elasticity; Energy Local Markets organization; International Experience; Models of Energy Planning; Requirements to apply models of energy planning; Risk and Markets management in the future; Energy, Climate Change and carbon trade; Energy Sufficiency Policies; Policies to stimulate renewable energy usage. five class View
    Knowledge Economics This course aims at acquainting the student with the concepts of knowledge Economics, its importance and pillars, and to grasp the difference between the knowledge Economics and the knowledge-based economy, and the basic factors that ensures the success of the knowledge Economics. This goal is achieved by studying the following topics: The concept of the knowledge Economics; The difference between a traditional economics and knowledge Economics; characteristics of the knowledge Economics; the concept of a knowledge-based economy; the concept of knowledge-based society; pillars of the knowledge Economics; In addition to Learning and Training )Human Capital) ;Information structure ; Creativity; The Economic Incentive and the Institutional System; Measuring the performance Indices of Knowledge Economics; The economic key performance index; The index of economic incentives and the institutional system, in addition to case studies such as Scandinavia and Asia and the case of Egypt five class View
    Feasibility Studies and Project Evaluation This course aims to deepen the student's understanding of the various economic, social, environmental and financial aspects of feasibility studies and project evaluation. It also aims to familiarize the student with the scientific bases of projects’ economic feasibility studies, especially the foundations of project-related costs and returns analysis. This goal is achieved by studying: the meaning of the project, its lifecycle, and the reciprocal relationship with development plan ;the technical part to prepare projects; the Project place and size and virtual maturity ;Technology and methods of production ;the time table of implementation/ cost estimation of the project; the Costs of investment projects ;Taxes, fees and the international and local component of the project; Inflation and depreciation and debt burdens ; Financial analysis and economic analysis ;Indirect costs and benefits of projects ; Price corrections to productive resources, and for the traded and non-traded goods ;The cash inflows and the economic profit of the project ;The criteria of economic evaluation of the project ;Economic profit distribution on the beneficiaries. five class View
    Government Budget and Plan The course aims mainly to deepen the student's understanding of the government’s budget ,its importance and the principles of budgeting, This goal is achieved by studying the following topics: Government budgeting (The concept ,Importance, Principles and goals ), Types of Budgeting ) Budgeting items – Programs and performance budgeting – zero-based budgeting), in addition to International Experiences ;The Egyptian government Budget and the different roles of authorities; Principles and basis of financial decentralization ; Analysis of Budgets and the government’s plan to development ; Analyzing the government budget proposal; The relation between the annual plan and the government budget. five class View
    Development Policies This course aims to acquaint the students with different policies related to development. This goal is achieved by covering the following items: financial markets; monetary policy (concept, importance and tools); wages, price and productivity policies; economics of population and labour force; evaluating economic policies using general equilibrium models; The development strategy and the fundamentals of its success; The economic, social, environmental and regional dimensions of building strategies; development policies and their implementation mechanisms; institutional framework and governance; In addition to analyzing the sustainable development strategy: Egypt's Vision 2030; Comparison between the developmental experience of Egypt with other countries. five class View
    Strategic Planning and Future Studies This course aims to acquaint the students with the strategic management and strategic thinking. Thus, be able to evaluate and apply strategic control; perceiving the relationship between future studies, sustainable development and long-term planning. This goal is achieved by studying: the concept of strategy, strategic planning, and strategic management, and strategic trend in light of competition. The external and internal environment of an entity; identifying and evaluating the various strategic alternatives and choosing the most appropriate one using quantitative tools (QSP - GS - BCG - SPACE - SWOT matrices), as well as formulating the strategy (models, variables and levels); Evaluating organizations in the era of globalization; The relationship of future studies to sustainable development and long-term planning; the roles of planning entities: government agencies, civil society and the private sector. five class View
    Public policies This course aims at introducing the students to the field of comparative public policies by presenting different theories and methods, in addition to discussing many policies in various fields and Egyptian sectors to identify the similarities and differences in these policies. This goal is achieved by studying the following: The meaning of public policies and their objectives; public policy approaches and methodologies; analysis of public opinion trends; public policy making; analysis and evaluation of public policies; Preparing policy briefs and studying international public policy models; Public policies in Egypt. five class View
    International Finance This course aims to introduce the student to basic concepts in international finance such as bonds, stocks and financial intermediaries; to enhance their ability to analyze financial performance and make appropriate financial decisions. This goal is achieved by studying the following: analyzing the performance of securities and portfolios, types of bonds and their pricing methods; yield curve analysis and its various theories; The role of the yield curve in predicating some economic variables; stock; financial derivatives and evaluating their role; The concept of market efficiency, Speculations and arbitrage in financial markets; Inflows Analysis; The Analysis of Causes and Effects of contemporary financial and monetary crisis and ways to fix them. five class View
    Spatial Planning and Local Development This course aims to introduce the student to spatial planning and its impact on development plans. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Spatial planning mechanisms; spatial planning applications; The spatial dimension in development plans; modern technologies and spatial planning; GIS and spatial planning; Balanced spatial planning and development; Local development and regional planning; Analytical tools of regional planning; local management and local finance; Methods of preparing and managing the regional plan five class View
    Sectoral Planning and Development This course aims to introduce the students to the importance of agricultural and industrial planning and its relevance to development. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Planning in the agricultural sector; Requirements, tools and obstacles for preparing agricultural development plans; monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of agricultural development plans; planning in the industrial sector; Requirements and tools of preparing industrial development plans and their obstacles; monitoring and evaluation of implementing industrial development plans; planning in the service sectors; Requirements for preparing sectoral development plans; services and their limitations; Tools for preparing service sector development plans; monitoring and evaluating the implementation of plans for the development of the service sectors; The interrelationships between the different sectors of the Egyptian economy. five class View
    Social and Cultural Planning and Development This course aims to introduce the student to the link between social and cultural development and other development issues. This goal is achieved by studying the following: The basics of community development; the social norm system; Social Justice; cultural development; media and social media networks; smart knowledge societies; Creative industries, as well as social and cultural development issues such as youth empowerment, citizenship, and the most favored groups - people with disabilities; Illegal immigration and child labor. five class View
    Environmental Planning and Development This course aims to acquaint the students with the concepts of environmental management and link it to environmental planning; to develop students' skills in dealing with environmental and global issues. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Environmental management and environmental planning; assessment of the environmental impacts of projects; the environmental impacts of development plans; Natural and environmental resources; In addition to the economics of the environment and natural resources. five class View
    Governance and Development This course aims to acquaint students with concepts of governance and its relationship to development by referring international experiences in governance. This goal is achieved by studying the following: definitions and types of governance; Political ,Economic, Social, and Corporate Governance; governance philosophy and objectives; governance principles; levels of governance; governance implementation challenges; governance indicators; key players in governance; The role of governance in development; governance, transparency and anti-corruption; governance and administrative reform; In addition to studying international experiences in governance. five class View
    Urban Planning and Development This course aims to provide students with the baseline of urban planning and its relevance to development. This goal is achieved by studying the following: urban planning theories; contemporary and future patterns of urban planning; foundations and elements of urban planning; The mechanism of preparing urban plans; Methodology for preparing planning standards for public services and public utilities; methodologies for defining urban strategies and plans; Mechanism for monitoring and measuring the performance of urban plans; Obstacles to the implementation of urban plans; Urban Planning and the Environment. five class View
    Information Technology and Development This course aims to provide students with the baseline of the updated modern technologies and its relevance to development. This goal is achieved by studying the following: The updated information technology and development through studying digital economy and digital society; information technology and digital society; IT infrastructure; IT quantification; In addition to studying the modern technologies used in development, the Internet of Things ; Cloud Computing ; big data analysis; Artificial intelligence ; IT applications in development; The digital future (concerns and challenges). five class View
    Entrepreneurship This course aims to acquaint student with entrepreneurship and develop creative and innovative skills in preparing a business plan for entrepreneur project. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Entrepreneurship concepts; entrepreneurship and small projects; generate ides for entrepreneurial projects; Entrepreneurship and development projects; Problems facing entrepreneurial projects; effectiveness of entrepreneurial projects’ activities; The external business environment for entrepreneurial projects; technological environment for entrepreneurial projects; Creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship, in addition to preparing work plans for the entrepreneurial project. five class View
    International Development and Planning Issues This course aims to introduce the student to planning and international development issues and to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to analyze the situation on the international arena. This goal is achieved by studying the following: The global economy and trade liberalization; global political economy; industrial competitiveness and global transformation; international finance and foreign direct investment; work and employment in the global economy; poverty, global inequality and social development; international migration; environmental security and sustainable peace; gender planning in developing societies; Leadership in global development; human rights and development. five class View
    Dynamics of Urban Planning This course aims to provide the student with the necessary knowledge to address urban planning problems through comparative studies and practical cases. This goal is achieved by studying the following: patterns of urban development; Analyzing the effects of urban development on development; urban planning analysis methods; urban land economics and public policy; Future cities and the smart growth;economic principles of building comprehensive urban models; Introductions to urban planning dynamics based on spatial networks; Applications to the basics of Urban planning dynamics on the basic planning elements; sustainable urban development; Comparative studies and practical cases. five class View
    The System of Water, Food and Energy This course aims to provide students with baseline of water, food and energy system and the role of the interconnected approach of this system in achieving sustainable development goals. This goal is achieved by studying the following: determinants of increased demand on natural resources; Estimates of the increased demand of energy, water and food by 2030; the interdependence of water, energy and food systems; The United Nations goals to the International Development after 2015 to food, water and energy sectors, The importance of the interrelation between water, food and energy to achieve sustainable development goals. five class View

    Master's Degree

    Planning and Development

    (Credit Hours System)

    Program Grade


    Start Date

    Friday, September 10, 2021

    End Date

    Thursday, June 30, 2022

    Begin Register Date

    Tuesday, August 10, 2021

    Links & Attachements

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      Welcome to INP, where we introduce the transformative solution of monitoring and evaluation for effective decision-making and impactful outcomes in the realm of development. M&E is a systematic approach that empowers entities to leverage data-driven insights, make informed choices, and drive sustainable change. At its core, M&E involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to understand the impact of projects and programs. It enables you to assess performance, effectiveness, and efficiency, forming the basis for evidence-based decision-making. By implementing comprehensive M&E frameworks, you gain deeper insights into project outcomes, identify areas for improvement, optimize resource allocation, and enhance accountability.

      Earning this certification will demonstrate that you have mastered the planning, monitoring and evaluation body of knowledge, strategies, tasks, and skills. Our tailored M&E curriculum has been designed to cater to stakeholders' unique needs. Whether you are managing complex development programs, implementing policy reforms, or leading community initiatives, with our robust monitoring and evaluation tools, you can gain a holistic understanding of the impact of your projects, make informed decisions, and maximize the utilization of your resources.

      Join the league of successful entities that have harnessed M&E to drive positive change. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and shape a better tomorrow by taking the first step towards a future where every decision is data-driven, and every action leads to lasting impact.

      Learning Objectives:

      1. Gain a comprehensive understanding of planning, M&E concepts and principles, enabling participants to effectively design, assess and improve program performance and outcomes.
      2. Acquire practical skills in quantitative and qualitative indicators setting, data collection methods, empowering participants to gather accurate and insightful data for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
      3. Develop the ability to design and implement robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks, equipping participants with the tools to establish effective systems that drive evidence-based decision-making.
      4. Enhance analytical skills to interpret monitoring and evaluation data, enabling participants to derive actionable insights and identify areas for program improvement.
      5. Learn to evaluate program effectiveness and make evidence-based recommendations, enabling participants to contribute to the success and impact of programs by providing informed guidance and suggestions for enhancement.

      Target segment:

      1. Government Officials and Policy Makers: Gain a solid understanding of monitoring and evaluation to assess the effectiveness of policies, programs, and initiatives in government agencies or policy-making roles.
      2. Nonprofit and NGO Professionals: Improve monitoring and evaluation practices to enhance accountability and demonstrate results to stakeholders in nonprofit organizations and NGOs involved in program implementation.
      3. Private Sector’s Program Managers and Coordinators: Enhance monitoring and evaluation skills to ensure effective implementation and achieve desired outcomes of programs or projects they oversee.
      4. Development Practitioners: Strengthen knowledge and skills in monitoring and evaluation to measure the impact and effectiveness of projects in international development, humanitarian aid, or social impact sectors.


      1. Planning, Monitoring and evaluation Purpose, and fundamentals.
      2. Designing, Managing, and Controlling Monitoring Systems.
      3. Evaluation: Methodology, Analysis, and Reporting Data.

      Admission requirements:

      1. Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Sciences (BSc).
      2. Minimum 5 years of practical experience.


      Specialized Professional Diplomas


      180 Hours


      English - Arabic

      Place Held

      On Campus - Online


      United Nations Development Programme - UNDP