Professional Master’s Program (Planning for Sustainable Development)


Institute of National Planning (INP) has been established in 1960 as an academic institute concerned with all fields and issues and planning and development. Institutional structure of INP has been developed so as to enhance its role as a center for scientific thinking (Think Tank) by the Law No. 13 of 2015. Thus, INP is concerned with conducting research and studies, presenting consultations, building cadres through training programs, and granting scientific degrees (Diploma, M. Ph., and Ph. D.) individually or in collaboration with national and foreign universities and centers. The Program of Professional Master in Planning and Sustainable Development is accredited by the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, to grant scholars professional skills in preparing, monitoring and evaluating plans, taking objectives of sustainable development into account. The Program mainly concentrates on applied aspects related to different fields of planning and development. The most important scientific and practical outcomes that are expected to be achieved by scholars are as follows: – Preparing strategic and action plans for all planning levels and entities to achieve sustainable development goals, – Preparing budgets related to executing plans, – Conducting feasibility studies and project evaluation, – Proposing indicators for monitoring plans, – Applying approaches and methods of monitoring and Evaluation, and – Writing up reports of monitoring and evaluating plans.

Program Informations

The Program of Professional Master in Planning and Sustainable Development is accredited by the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, to grant scholars professional skills in preparing, monitoring and evaluating plans, taking objectives of sustainable development into account. The Program mainly concentrates on applied aspects related to different fields of planning and development.

The period of the study is two academic years, each year has two semesters, with two-day study weakly. In most courses, a part is devoted to meetings, workshops and discussions with specialists and executive experts.

  • Employees in the fields of planning and development at departments of planning and monitoring in all units of state apparatus, ministries, economic and service agencies, and local administration units. As well as employees at the private and public business sectors.
  • A university degree (Bachelor or License) from an acknowledged university or institute.
  • Approval of employer (in case of employment).
  • Knowledge of basic computer programs is preferable.
  • Passing the interview.

The Program is to be executed along two years: the first year is for the general stage, while the second year is for the specialized stage, according to the fields of sustainable development as follows:

A- First Year: The General Stage (Eight courses). Duration of the stage is eight months.

B- Second Year: The Specialized Stage (Six courses). Duration of the stage is eight months, including the course of “Applied Research” to prepare a research in one of the planning and development issues with priority as for the scholar interests. A professor is responsible of this course to guide scholars towards the eight specialized scientific centers according to the subject of the applied research.


Specialized groups have been formed on the basis of the three main axes of sustainable development, from which the scholar is to choose one, as follows:

  • Track One:  Planning for Economic Development.
  • Track Two: Planning for Social Development.
  • Track Three :of Environmental Planning.

Also, the scholar is to choose two of the courses available in the group of elective courses as follows: Economics of Transportation and Energy, Evaluation of Industrial Projects, Evaluation of Agricultural Projects, Evaluation of Service Projects, Knowledge Economics, Social Justice and Development, International Negotiation, International Economic Blocks, Strategic Administration, Management and Decision Support Systems, Development Role of NGOs, Environmental Evaluation of Development Plans and Projects, Natural Resource Management, Planning for Regional Development, and Smart and Sustainable Cities.

Program Semesters

Title Aims Class Attachements URl
Statistical Analysis Basics Teaching this course aims to provide the student with the skills of collecting, presenting and analyzing data in order to extract and draw conclusions about the various phenomena under study. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Introduction to Statistics; Data; Basic Measures of Data; Examples of Probability Distributions and their Applications; Correlation and Regression Coefficients. first class Download View
Principles of Economics This course mainly aims to introduce the student to the main definitions and basics of economics. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Definition of Economics and Economic Problems; Differentiation between Macroeconomics and Microeconomics; Basic Economic Concepts at the Macro Level; Economic Policies (Fiscal, Monetary, Trade and Investment Policies); Unemployment and Inflation; Exchange Rates and Balance of Payments; Important Economic Theories in Achieving Equilibrium (Classical Model, Keynesian Model, IS-LM Model); Analysis of Consumer Behavior; Analysis of Producer Behavior; Analysis of Cost Concept; Analysis of the Concept of Cost and Benefit; Analysis of Markets (Full Competition, Monopolistic Competition, Monopoly Markets, and Oligopoly Markets). first class Download View
Principles of Development This course aims mainly at the student’s study of the basic issues related to development, and this goal is achieved by studying the following: Evolution of “Development Concepts and its indicators”; Strategies and Policies of Development; Role of Governance in Enhancing Sustainable Development; Development in Egypt: Overview of Sustainable Development Strategy: Egypt Vision 2030; Comparing The Egyptian Development experience with other Countries. first class Download View
Preparation of Sustainable Development Plans

This course mainly aims to introduce the student to development planning, its levels and types, and how to evaluate it. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Methods and Levels of Planning; Tools of Preparing Development Plans; Monitoring Development Plans; Evaluating Development Plans; Studying the Egyptian Experience Development in planning.

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Title Aims Class Attachements URl
Feasibility Studies and Project Evaluation This course aims to deepen the student’s understanding of the various economic, social, environmental and financial aspects of feasibility studies and project evaluation. It also aims to familiarize the student with the scientific bases of projects’ economic feasibility studies, especially the foundations of project-related costs and returns analysis. This goal is achieved by studying: Concept of Project and its Life-Cycle; Market Studies and Demand Forecasting; Technical Aspects of Projects Preparation; Costs of Investment Projects; Projects Finance; Analysis and Economic Evaluation of the Project; Measuring Potential Results and Risks of the Project; Case study. first class Download View
Public Budgets and Plans The course mainly aims to deepen the student’s understanding of the government budget and highlights its importance and the basic principles of its preparation. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Concept and Importance of the Government Budget; Principles and Objectives of Preparing the Government Budget; Types of Budgets (Items Budget, Program and Performance Budget, Zero Budget); Presenting sample of International Experiences; Government Budget and Roles of Different Authorities; Principles and Bases of Financial Decentralization; Analysis of Budgets and State Development Plans; Reading the State’s General Budget proposal; The Relationship Between Annual plans and State Budgets. first class Download View
Research Methodology The course aims to familiarize the student with scientific research methods, research sources and references, and acquire the skill of research techniques. This goal is achieved through studying: Concept and Importance of Scientific Research; Concepts and Basic Terms; Ethics of Scientific Research and Researcher superiority level; Stages and Conditions of Scientific Research; Methodologies of Scientific Research; Methods and Sources of Data Collection; Methods of presenting Information; Fundamentals and Rules of Writing Scientific Research; Scientific Documentation of Research Sources and References; Identification of a Research field; Preparing a Scientific Research Proposal that fulfill the formatting and scientific steps. first class Download View
Future Studies The course aims to familiarize the student with everything related to future studies by studying the following topics: Historical Contexts of Future Studies; The Relationship between Future Studies, Sustainable Development and Long-Term Planning; The Basic roles to enhance Future Studies’ contribution in Development and Society; Summary of lessons learnt on the Role of Future Studies and Strategic Planning in Developing Institutions (Open-ended Brain Storming) first class Download View
Title Aims Class Attachements URl
Educational Planning This course aims to provide the student with planning skills for education and deepen his/her understanding of the monitoring and evaluation of educational plans. This project is achieved by studying the following: Education Planning; Education Planning Agencies and Levels of Taking Educational Decisions; Educational Data, Information and Indicators; Education Plan; Implementing Educational Plans; Monitoring Educational Plans; Evaluating Educational Plans. second class Download View
Health Planning This course aims to develop students’ ability to understand the Egyptian health system by studying: Components of the Egyptian Health system; Properties of Community Environment Components and its Relation to the Health System; Estimation of Demand for Health Services; Research Methodologies for Health Planning; System of Comprehensive Social and medical Insurance and its Relation to the Egyptian Health System. second class Download View
Cultural Planning This course aims to deepen the student’s understanding of the concepts, objectives, importance and characteristics of culture, by studying the following topics: Concept of Culture; Importance of Culture; Objectives of Culture; Characteristics of Culture; Culture and National Identity; Culture and the Egyptian Personality; Cultural Planning; Tools of Cultural Planning; Dimensions of Cultural Planning; Levels of Educational Plans Preparation; Stages of Preparing Educational Plans; Mechanisms of Successful Implementation of Educational Plans; Mechanisms of Monitoring and Evaluating Educational Plans; Successful International Experiences of Cultural Planning. second class Download View
Title Aims Class Attachements URl
Environmental Planning This course aims to deepen the student’s understanding of the relationship between environment and development by studying the following topics: The Environment and Development Relationship; Environmental Planning; Case Studies and Seminars; Tools and Fundamentals of Environmental Planning; Case Studies and Seminars; Future Trends and Updates in Environmental Planning. second class Download View
Environmental Economics This course aims to introduce the student to the basic concepts and analytical tools of environmental economics, by studying these topics: Basic Concepts and The Analytical Tools of Environmental Economics; Tools of Environmental Economics; Case Studies and Seminars; Studying Economics of Environmental Life; Environmental Issues on National Level; Case Studies and Seminars; Environmental Issues on The International Level; Case Studies and Seminars. second class Download View
Accounting of Natural and Environmental Resources This course aims to introduce the student to the concepts and objectives of accounting for natural and environmental resources. This goal is achieved by studying the following topics: Accounting Measurement of Non-Renewable Resources; Accounting Measurement of Renewable Resources; Accounting Disclosure of Consumption of Natural and Environmental Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources; Updates in Natural and Environmental Resources Accounting. second class Download View
Title Aims Class Attachements URl
Research Project second class View
Management and Decision Support Systems The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of management support system, and this goal is achieved by studying the following: Concept of Management Support System; Management, Decision Making, and Types of Decision Support Systems; Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Data Stores, Data Mining; Decision Models; Project Management Models; Forecasting Models; Ideal Models; Simulation Models. second class Download View
Smart and Sustainable Cities This course aims to introduce the student to basic concepts in urban development, sustainable cities and smart cities. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Basic Concepts; Methodology of Planning Sustainable and Smart Cities; Comprehensive System of Planning Land Use for Sustainable and Smart Cities; Planning Guides and Criteria for Sustainable Cities. second class Download View
Evaluation of Services Projects This course aims to introduce the terms, concepts and methods of evaluating service projects. This goal is achieved by studying the following: Defining Terms, Concepts and Methods of Evaluating Service Projects; Data, Information and Knowledge to Evaluate Service Projects: Types, Patterns and Sources; Evaluation of Organizational Aspects of Service Projects: Vision, Mission and Organizational Structure; Evaluation of Technical Aspects: Inputs, Processes and Outputs; Inspection, Monitoring and Evaluation of Service Projects. second class Download View
Strategic Management This course aims to introduce the student to the concepts, tools and foundations of strategic management, and this goal is achieved through the study of: Strategic Management: Concepts, Fundamentals and Tools; Levels of Strategic Management and Strategy Formulation; Questions, Experiences and Lessons Learnt; Role of Strategic Management in Enhancing Sustainability in Societies, Economies and Organizations; Open-ended Brain Storming. second class Download View

Professional Master's Program

(Planning for Sustainable Development)

Program Grade


Start Date

Thursday 26 July 2018

End Date

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Begin Register Date

Wednesday 01, August, 2018

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